Thursday, September 24, 2015

On Weresquids

The common weresquid is a bizarre creature. It may assume the form of either a brightly colored, foot-long squid or a human, with six tentacles in place of hair. 

The weresquid's best imitation of human hair. Curtesy of here.

Weresquid are not humans with a bizarre form of lycanthropy; they are a type of ooze. Their bodies are boneless, with the sole exception of their teeth, which have two canines in the upper set and only one centered canine in the lower. Weresquid can change color at will (though the process takes about fifteen minutes), and prefer vividly vibrant hues.

Seriously, they're walking rainbows.

In human form, the weresquid can squirt ink, which it produces in alarming quantities. This colorful goo is sticky and acidic: wading through means moving at half speed and losing 1 HP per turn. Most weresquid carry some kind of container to store excess ink, and weaponized water guns to shoot it remarkable distances and with great force. Such weapons inflict anywhere from 1d6 to 1d20 damage. Curiously, weresquid are effected as normal by ink of a different color. 

While in squid form, the weresquid is a goopy, flaccid thing, and can pass through bars, grates, and quarter inch holes with ease. On land, it flops around pathetically. The weresquid cannot swim in water: immersion leads to the squid dissolving. It can swim through weresquid ink, if it matches it's current color. In effect, the ooze flattens itself out, rapidly sliding around, even up walls. 

Flop flop!

Curiously, anything a weresquid carries transforms into goo when it turns into a squid. Upon turning into a human, these items reassemble themselves. Even weresquids don't know what's up with that.

A weresquid attempting to disguise itself as a harmless hipster.

If slain, the weresquids explodes violently, strewing ink everywhere. Then it's tiny squid soul will rapidly look for any nearby ink. If it finds it, it will reform itself in three rounds, good as new. This has lead to certain scholars proposing that weresquid are in fact a type of undead, which posses oozes, which in turn can turn into squids and squid people. The counter argument to this theory is that it's bloody stupid. What next: they come from the distant future? They like dance parties and high fashion? Best to ignore the bloody things; they're an abomination to logic as it is.

The weresquid in it's natural environment: the rave.

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